A conspiracy of lives, not lies
By hisham
For some it seems that life is more about conspiring rather than inspiring. It’s more about the see and be seen. To them life is about everything and nothing. It is do all and be none. Such people are quick to dismiss one thing for another.
Lemmings in their ways, they follow each other, gesticulating, masticating and fornicating according to the edicts of OK!
“The stars have no meaning, no meaning at all to those people,” the sage said.
“No one believes in stars anymore. The only stars people know of are the likes of Pitt-Jolie. A journey to them is but a new issue of Hello!”
The young man felt unwise next to the sage, yet spoke as his heart beckoned him. For he himself almost succumbed to the fancies of the see and be seen conspirators.
“Young man, you speak true. There are no more portraits, no more photographs. Only snapshots. Quick, paparazzi snapshots.”
“We are being a tad bit cynical, aren’t we now?” said the young man at which point the sage slapped him silly and called him Sally. Marie, as in Marie Claire.