Anything’s possible
Riffaz had more crap on his face than a city pavement.
“I didn’t know you could pierce your eyelids,” I said.
Anything’s possible,” Riffaz said. His eyeballs almost dislodged from their sockets as he spoke.
“Yes,” I said. Yes. That’s all. Yes, and nothing more. I didn’t know whether Riffaz realized the humor of this situation.
In my ever so innocence, I have faltered to identify myself with my new acquaintance.
Apple’s Blocks vs. Function Pointers
Apple introduced blocks as an extension to C in …. spills to C++ and Objective-C.
Function pointers – what are they, when to use them, how to use them.
Blocks – what are they, when to use them, how to use them.
Canned coffee
Now before you shake your head in dismay, hear me out. Canned coffee works. Choosing between Red Bull and canned coffee, I’ll opt for the latter.
“It’s all about sex, you know,” said Salman as he watched the news.
“What’s sex got to do with it?” Khaled said.
Neurons fired across the ridges, troughs and peaks of his mind’s landscape.
“What the…” he said. He looked at the mirror, at his bleeding nose, bloodshot eyes and his tired face. What happened to me, he thought.
Kyler Torsen could not recall where he was
Fanfare for the Common Man
It is not kings or queens, prime ministers or presidents that make up the things from which this world arises.
Hello, my name’s Araby
Now that we’re in the holy month of Ramadan, one feels compelled to not only do the usual praxis of everyday Islam: prayer, reading the Qur’an, and reflect upon one’s vices and virtues of year past.
Here’s what I know:
There’s no such think as a hijab. The Qur’an instructs one to dress modestly. Even covering the head while prayer is
Mr. and Mrs. Murad
The fifty-something couple had a subtle sweetness of familiar passion about them. You could see it from a mile. They’d walk together, not always hand in hand, but you knew that their heart was one. They were mom and dad. They were Mr. and Mrs. Murad.
“I met her at work,” dad once said, “she was the most graceful person to walk between the cubicles.”
He loved retelling the first few months of knowing mom.
Out and about in the land of immortality
They call it Dilmun… or if you want to argue phoentically, you could say Tilmun. Whatever way it was pronounced, the land of eternal life has as much to do with death as it does life.
Aptly called… Life and Death in the Land of Eternity
some pics
Politics in the fiction section
Today’s the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Today is when we remember the 3,000 who lost their lives. Today is also the day we remember when politics took a turn for the fictional. Not crackpot conspiracy theories mind you, just the formula story dichotomy of us vs. them, of good vs. evil.
Like writers sometimes, Bushseems to have trouble finding that sweet spot to tie in Al-Qaeda to everything else that’s happening in the world.
Reign of the Secular State
While Arab, and in particular Islamic countries, face an uncertain future in terms of defining their own presence in the global arena and developing a hegemony of sorts that will help them shape their own destinies, it is worth examining the underlying roots and foundations of Western, and in particular, US hegemony.
The Renaissance called for reason, it called for a revival of the human spirit through science, discovery and the arts.