Batter up!
Sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Sometimes you have to become an oddball of sorts to tackle life, not minding what other people think.
Live life, not merely get through it. Own it. Own your life. It’s just you and that great big pitcher of life on the field.
Bat it out!
Cinematic focusing with digital video cameras
Digital video is great, but not so great when you compare it to actual film.
Perhaps the most interesting attribute of actual 16mm and 35mm film cameras (and some high-end digital video cameras) such as those from Arri and Panavision is the shallow depth of field (DOF.) Shallow DOF basically means there is less distance infocus between the subject and the area in front and behind the subject, allowing for selective focusing.
Pluto’s heart
Somewhere along the cosmic lines of truth and drama, where Patrick Mooremeets Days of our Lives, a voice is heard…
“I might be small, I might have been demoted, but I will never, ever forget that I am what I am. That I am part of the universe as much as the suns and stars are. That I’m as large in heart as Mars is in mass. That I will persist, I will remain as I am, steadfast, in orbit, for as long as I am.
My, Mr. President, you’ve got such a large…
It was revealedthat President Bush read Albert Camus’ The Stranger during summer._
According to research, people believe a person can be judged by the book he’s hogging around. In fact, Bush’s handling of Camus’ intellectual classic categorizes him as a reader of “literary fiction”. Which means he’s likely to be well-educated and smart. It’s also slightly disconcerting as MoorishGirl explains:
A novel about a Frenchman who kills a nameless Arab for no discernible reason, by an author who once said of the brutal French occupation of Algeria: “Je crois à la justice, mais je défendrai ma mère avant la justice.
Book ban
From NPR:
The Miami-Dade school board seeks to ban a book on Cuba, saying its portrait of life there is overly positive. A federal judge has ordered Vamos a Cuba back on school library shelves while the district fights a lawsuit aimed at keeping the book available.
A conspiracy of lives, not lies
For some it seems that life is more about conspiring rather than inspiring. It’s more about the see and be seen. To them life is about everything and nothing. It is do all and be none. Such people are quick to dismiss one thing for another.
Lemmings in their ways, they follow each other, gesticulating, masticating and fornicating according to the edicts of OK!
“The stars have no meaning, no meaning at all to those people,” the sage said.
My name is Bahrain
_The following vignette is fiction, including the quotation.
I looked out the window on this cool spring day, thinking of how mother used to enjoy days like this. I remembered Fridays at our villa. Mother would take the opportunity of unusually good weather to walk in the garden. “Our villa’s garden,” she would say, “go out there and enjoy it people, go enjoy the garden that’s right there waiting for you.
Birds and bees are different species
“Ask your mom, ask her about the birds and the bees,” I said.
“They’re different species!” my nephew said.
I returned to tackling my Rocket Double burger. A few seconds later, I noticed he’s still staring, bewlidered at the fact that I mentioned birds and bees in one sentence.
“I don’t know, that’s what I heard others say to their kids. ‘The birds, and the bees!’ Don’t look at me, I didn’t make it up,” I said, dipping some fries in ketchup.
All the things that have and will be
From the very first time computers said hello to each other, to the internet as we know it today, their seems to be no limit as to what we can find halfway across the world.
In his The YouTube Poem_,_ Robert Bruce writes:
It seems
there is now nothing
I cannot witness
Read the rest at Bruce’s site, KnifeGunPen.
I must be doing something right!
I got my first comment abuse(tasteless vulgarities and obscene language) last night, around seven in the evening. I didn’t imagine a personal attack on me so soon after starting this weblog, it’s only been a week. But then again, I didn’t expect to have over 400 visitors on my first week either, which is way more than I ever anticipated!
So, I guess I’m doing something right 🙂 And thank you to all who have so far visited, commented, subscribed and criticized on- and off-line.